Why Emotional Trauma Shouldn’t Be Underestimated After A Car Accident

17 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

With car accidents, the injuries and physical pain that you suffer is often the most common focus. However, this often doesn't take into consideration the other difficulties that are not as obvious such as the trauma and anxiety that you might feel. You may be entitled to compensation not only for your injuries but also for the trauma you have experienced. Symptoms of Trauma There are many symptoms of trauma caused by a car accident including: Read More 

How Accident Victims Commonly Complicate Things

3 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Stress and injuries can make some people do things they later regret. A car accident is the perfect opportunity, unfortunately, for that to happen. Read on for a list of ways that accident victims err that can impact their personal injury cases in a major way. Failing to seek medical care This is not about taking good care of yourself, although medical care is always a good idea. It's really about a failure to mitigate and that is what could lose your case for you if you don't seek medical help and follow all treatment suggestions after an accident. Read More 

How A No Fault Insurance Attorney Can Assist With Claims

17 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you carry a no fault type of insurance, then you'll be compensated by your own insurance company in the event of an accident — even if you are at fault. Sometimes these claims can lead to issues, which a no fault insurance attorney can help you deal with. Review Insurance Provider's Projected Compensation Amount Before you just take what your insurance is offering for the damage of this auto accident, you should first see if it's a fair offer or not. Read More 

How A Mechanic Can Play A Role In Your Car Accident Case

2 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When there is something wrong with your car and you need to speak with an auto mechanic to fix it, you may assume that your car will be fixed without any problems. Unfortunately, some auto mechanics make mistakes that cause the cars they work on to no longer be safe to drive. However, with the help of an auto accident attorney, you may be able to hold the mechanic liable for your damages. Read More 

Top Signs That You Should Hire a Birth Defect Attorney

15 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are the parent of a child who was born with a birth defect, you might feel all alone in what you and your family are going through. However, there are people out there who can help you. Not only are there support groups that you can join and good medical professionals who you can turn to, but there are even attorneys who can help you. Of course, not all parents who have children who were born with birth defects should necessarily seek legal representation. Read More